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Niko Home Control apps - I can no longer use my NHC app after changing my password. How can I resolve this?

We are in the process of addressing the underlying cause. We apologise for the inconvenience this has caused you.

Please follow the steps below to be able to use the app again:

  • Log out of all devices on which your account is currently active, including smartphones, tablets and Niko touchscreens.

  • Wait at least half an hour before proceeding. This gives our system time to resolve any synchronisation issues.

  • Go to the following website: https://mynikohomecontrol.niko.eu/Identity/Account/ForgotPassword

  • Enter your e-mail address that is linked to your Niko Home Control account.
    You will receive an e-mail with a link to reset your password.  The password must meet the following requirements: min. 8 characters, min. 1 capital letter and min. 1 special character.

  • If you don't receive the e-mail with the reset link within 15 minutes, please check your spam folder.
    If no e-mail can be found, feel free to contact us on +32 3 778 90 80.